Cómo se descompone el número 1.280 en factores primos?
1. Cómo se descompone el número 1.280 en factores primos?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Itu bahasa apa woe_-
2. Mention some factores in the orientation of narrative text
meyebutkan beberapa factores dalam orien tasi teks naratih
3. + Sebuah Limas Segi Empat volumenya 4725 cm³² maka was alas Primos tersebud Jika tingginya 20cm adalah
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Untuk menentukan luas alas limas segi empat, kita perlu mengetahui volume limas dan tingginya. Volume limas segi empat dapat dihitung dengan rumus V = (1/3) * luas alas * tinggi. Karena kita diberi informasi bahwa volume limas segi empat adalah 4725 cm³ dan tingginya adalah 20 cm, kita dapat menggunakan rumus ini untuk menentukan luas alas.
V = (1/3) * luas alas * tinggi
4725 = (1/3) * luas alas * 20
luas alas = V / (1/3 * tinggi) = 4725 / (1/3 * 20) = 4725 / (20/3) = 4725 * 3/20 = 141,5 cm²
Jadi luas alas limas segi empat adalah 141,5 cm²
4. Read the text carfully and answer the questions A factory is usually a very big building when things produced in a factory, machines are used. Therefore, my things can be made more rapidly In every industrial town, we can always find factories Factories give job for many people, those who work in factores will get money for their wages Nowadays, almost everything we wear and used has been produced in a factory, of course, some things are still made by hand, but factory-made products are usually cheaper than bandmade ones 1. What does a factory give to people?
1. Factory give job for many people
Semoga membantu ^_^
5. Read the text carfully and answer the questions A factory is usually a very big building when things produced in a factory, machines are used. Therefore, my things can be made more rapidly In every industrial town, we can always find factories Factories give job for many people, those who work in factores will get money for their wages Nowadays, almost everything we wear and used has been produced in a factory, of course, some things are still made by hand, but factory-made products are usually cheaper than bandmade ones 1. What is the text about? 2. What does a factory give to people? 3. "Those who work in a factories will get money for their wages" The Underlined word refers to 4. Is factory-made is cheaper than handmade product? 5. Where we can find factories?
1. About the factory
2. Factories provide jobs for many people
3. Factories give jobs for many people, those who work in factores will get money for their wages
4. Yes, factory-made products are usually cheaper than handmade
5. industrial city/ industrial town
Maaf Kalau Salah :)
6. On 1 February 1946, a British officer described the situation as a 'very uncomfortable rest'.He compared the concentration of Indonesian militias south of the railway tracks with a large armygarrison. The city of Bandung was divided by railway tracks into an Allied zone in the north and anIndonesian zone in the south in the hope of ending the clashes, the British commander orderedthe militias to leave. The stand-off reached its climax with an extremely violent confrontation in lateMarch 1946 that forced the Indonesians to pull out. In response, the militias burned public buildings,warehouses, factores, and homes on their way out. The southern part of Bandung was deliberatelybumt down in an act of defiance as they left. They burned down almost all important buildings andinfrastructure while withdrawing from Southem Bandung to show their resistance. The event wascalled Bandung Sea of FireDuring the evacuations in March 1946. Mohammad Toha, a member of Indonesian militias,smuggled several sticks of dynamite past Japanese and Dutch troops, and into the Dutch militaryHeadquarters in Dayeuh Kolot. He detonated the dynamite in warehouses of ammunition in the area.The explosion created a small lake in Dayeuh Kolot. To commemorate his sacrifice, the main streetin the area is called Mohammad Toha StreetBandung Sea of Fire event is a big event fires that occurred in the city of Bandung, West JavaProvince, Indonesia on March 24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 inhabitants of Bandungburnt their homes, leaving the city to the mountains in the southem regions of Bandung. This is doneTo prevent the Alied troops and the Dutch troops to be able to use the city of Bandung as a strategicmilitary base in the war of independence Indonesia.
Pada 1 Februari 1946, seorang perwira Inggris menggambarkan situasi itu sebagai 'istirahat yang sangat tidak nyaman'.
Dia membandingkan konsentrasi milisi Indonesia di selatan rel kereta api dengan pasukan besar
garnisun. Kota Bandung dibagi oleh jalur kereta api menjadi zona Sekutu di utara dan sebuah
Zona Indonesia di selatan dengan harapan mengakhiri bentrokan, perintah komandan Inggris
milisi untuk pergi. Kebuntuan mencapai klimaksnya dengan konfrontasi yang sangat keras pada akhir
Maret 1946 yang memaksa orang Indonesia untuk mundur. Sebagai tanggapan, milisi membakar buil publik
gudang, pabrik, dan rumah dalam perjalanan keluar. Bagian selatan Bandung sengaja
dibakar dalam tindakan menantang ketika mereka pergi. Mereka membakar hampir semua bangunan penting dan
infrastruktur sementara menarik diri dari Southem Bandung untuk menunjukkan perlawanan mereka. Acara itu
disebut Lautan Api Bandung
Selama evakuasi pada bulan Maret 1946. Mohammad Toha, anggota dari milisi indonesia
menyelundupkan beberapa batang dinamit melewati pasukan Jepang dan Belanda, dan masuk ke militer Belanda
Markas besar di Dayeuh Kolot. Dia meledakkan dinamit di gudang amunisi di daerah itu.
Ledakan itu menciptakan sebuah danau kecil di Dayeuh Kolot. Untuk mengenang pengorbanannya, jalan utama
di daerah itu disebut Jalan Mohammad Toha
Bandung Sea of Fire event adalah acara besar kebakaran yang terjadi di kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
Provinsi, Indonesia pada 24 Maret 1946. Dalam tujuh jam, sekitar 200.000 penduduk Bandung
membakar rumah mereka, meninggalkan kota ke pegunungan di wilayah selatan Bandung. Ini dilakukan Untuk mencegah pasukan Sekutu dan pasukan Belanda untuk dapat menggunakan kota Bandung sebagai strategi
pangkalan militer dalam perang kemerdekaan Indonesia.
7. 4.Raden Harjuna dibantu dening sapa anggone bisa mateniRaden Jayajatra?Primos Harjono Prabu Kresna5.Pusaka apa sing dienggo Raden Harjuna?Ya gene Raden Harjuna ora bisa mangerteni RadenJayajatra?
maksudnya itu apa
sya tidak mengetahui
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