Adornos De Calles Para Fiestas Patronales

Adornos De Calles Para Fiestas Patronales

what calles is the roof a rainforest

Daftar Isi

1. what calles is the roof a rainforest

maksudnya gimana? diarti in?apa yang disebut adalah atap hutan hujan

2. A chemical compound with pH greater that 7 is calles ... a. Base c. Acid b. Sweet d. Bitter




semoga membantu

maaf ya kalo salah

3. arrange the following sentence. 1. I calles my brother to help me push my motorcycle to a petrol station​

1. I call my brother to help me push my motorcycle to a petrol station

--> Mengapa "call" bukan "calles" karena subjeknya "I" pada pola kalimat Simple present menggunakan V1 tanpa tambahan s/es

4. Melch the description of these kind of animals1. This animal is reptile. craw on the groundor free it has medium body has four legswill change the body s Cour the same withstays2 This animal is big It has one or two horns. It Blives in the forest It likes to eat grass andleaves3 it's an animal The leas are four nasmedium body the colour of the fur 5 brownIt can climb the tree well. The tail is so ong4 ils animal that live in two places is callesreptile. It can jump. The legs are two. It eatsDmosquitos5 It's a kind of insect. It has sur legs. Thecolour of the body is so interesting It has twoantenas on the head6 It's a tame animal. The body is big. It canproduce milk to human. It eats grass. Thebody's colour is white and black spots on itsbodyG7 It is a kind of animal. It is big animal in theworld. It has four legs. This animal has hair orthick fur on its neck to the heart entsoross​


1.) Chameleon

2.) Rhino

3.) Monkey

4.) Frog

5.) ant

6.) Cow

7.) bull

maaf kalo salah :)

5. Inghembed sentences uw magpont meminu tegundWhitistellain Yes I de sis name is Martimcnus the student in this siteniaby with any line is a miten som er21 Complete the following sentensi ung that arms are in the metalos nos amadathe serioadaaction in winter svert var1 Remzithe text and answer the nestiumwith an aim midis tallers 47 com um mit 25live nowfor ons like a little dmgom. It is calles om me martes a tots ambThey are set for summng nu stimongWanimais emWhat does gumun elus ut?What we the functions at the engles* Campiere the following dialogue with anumannate attest in theTierar muitigt at the mainBilets and the uris fest.. Tiends from thermin the mari ding the best use the ima....The ane garage cansou. We can lembutDans le sudying itemsmange the jumisienka a mamimgail sentenes!of-takes car-usevile--ttlesthe nasiet - fumer-im-musim​


Si Si , Que pasa My friend?

6. Tolong garis bawahi kalimat Passive: Woodchipping is aprocess used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees. The woodchipping process begins wthen the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest calles a coupe. Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs os removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cats them into small pieves called woodchips. The woodships are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Passive voice

1). the trees are cut down
2). the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill.
3). At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper
4). The woodships are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities.
5). they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat.
6). The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.
7). Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Hope it would help

7. jawab dong 1)What does the first paragraph talk about?2)What are the flippers used for?3)how long does a dolphin stop breathing temporarily?4)What is the function of a thick layer under the female dolphins skin?5)What do the dolphins eat?6)What do the dolphins do when they hear or see a ship close by?7)What is a group of dolphins calles?8) why ia dolphins calles playful animal?

1.)Talk about dholpins in detail
2).to turn left and right.
3). 6 minutes
4).to keep them warm when they dive very deep
5).They eat fish, shrimp, ands small squid.
6).They ho near it and follow it from many kilometers.
7).Mammalias of Delhindae family.
8).Because, sometimes they invent they own tricks and stunts after watching other dolphins perform.
*maaf yaa kl ada yg salah

8. 4. Ok. We ... to do that duty in this time.a. wants b.want c. likesd. lake5. Never mind. You ... a chance to redo that job.a. has b. does c.haved. haves6. ... looks nervous to speak English.a. Michael b. Michael and she c. You d. They7. Hello.... your manager in the office every Monday?a. does b. doc. isd. are8. Hereafter, I try to ... Dianaa. calles b. calls C. calld. called9. My elder sister ... something for your birthday, Janea has b. does c. have tod. haves10. Actually, Raul lives in Pekanbaru; he ... and ... used cars.a. buys - sell b. buys - sells c. buy - sell d. buy - sells​

Jawaban:4.) B.) Want. 5.) C.) Have. 6.) B.) Michael and she. 7.) A.) Does. 8.) D.) Called. 9.) A.) Has. 10.) B.) Buys - sells.

Penjelasan: Semoga membantu maaf jika ada kesalahan.

9. 1. the very intricate designs of the white marble palace shows an _____ of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated architect to his / her work 2. the walls of the building are _____ with beautiful carving and precious stones 3. that the towers are _____ and not big makes them the right decoration that _____ the domes, and combination of which makes the complex look amazingly beautiful. 4. the white marble palace, bathed in the moon rays, reflects back the rays that give the _____ of bluish color. 5. the different appearance of the taj in the morning, during daytime and evening is just _____. Words cannot describe the beauty sufficiently. 6. the room which has 8 sides is calles _____ chamber. This is the room th

3. high and decorate

10. 1. the poor peasants wear_____________ every day may not__________of somebody elese's wealth. 3.coming home,her_______ body made us anxious to know what had heppened. 4.Remain___________ although your name is calles for hundred times. 5. she is always___________ to me. i don't know why pilihan: wind,invisible,jealous,remain,seated,warrior,rope,rags,mean,tremble,sled,gentle,coals,bowstring,fear

1. The poor peasants wear rags every day.
2. You may not get jealous of somebody else's wealth.
3. Coming home, her tremble body made us anxious to know what had happened.
4. Remain seated although your name is called for 100 times.
5. She is always mean. I don't know why.

Semoga membantu :D
2.Get jealous

11. jawab dong plizzzzz1)What does the first paragraph talk about?2)What are the flippers used for?3)how long does a dolphin stop breathing temporarily?4)What is the function of a thick layer under the female dolphins skin?5)What do the dolphins eat?6)What do the dolphins do when they hear or see a ship close by?7)What is a group of dolphins calles?8) why ia dolphins calles playful animal?

1. dolphins is mamalials

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