Blue Skies 5 Student s Book Respuestas

Blue Skies 5 Student s Book Respuestas

Translate to Indonesian!1.Green Book=2.Black book=3.Blue Book=4.Red Book=5.Yellow Book=​

Daftar Isi

1. Translate to Indonesian!1.Green Book=2.Black book=3.Blue Book=4.Red Book=5.Yellow Book=​


1. Green Book =Buku Hijau

2. Black Book = Buku Hitam

3. Blue Book = Buku Biru

4. Red Book = Buku merah

5. Yellow Book = Buku kuning

2. Read the italicized sentence then select ALL of the correct restatements from the options below. 1. Can you please hand me the blue book? ☐Please, can you hand me the blue book? ☐Hand me the blue book, can you please? ☐Can you hand me the blue book, please? ☐The blue book, please can you me hand?

Jawaban: C

Can you hand me the blue book, please?

C. Can you hand me the bule book, please?

3. menjadi kalimat positif (s+ tobe to): 1. Doctor 2.student 4.apples 5.sugar tolong bantuan nya kk

The Doctor is checking up the patient

Student are cleaning up the room

Rudi is reading a book

Anna is eating an apple

Pour the sugar to the cup moreless 2 spoon

4. Student read story book in the....

in the library semoga membantu :)Student read book in the library

5. there is titik-titik book on the table the book is blue

there is a book.....

Hm, gini deh rumusnya. Kalau di b. Inggris  ada suatu benda atau objek yang depannya huruf vokal maka menggunakan an, kecuali university. Jadi karena book itu depannya bukan huruf vokal, maka jawabannya a, jadi yang njawab udah betul.

6. the student (want) the book nextday (+)(-)(?)​







hope this helps


7. the student borrow story book in the...

The student borrow story book in the "LIBRARY" :)Library

Semoga membantu :)

8. blue the color the book is of

The color of the book is blue.The color of the book is blue.

9. kalimat passive dari the student reads the book​

The student reads the book (kalimat aktif)


The book is read by the student



Untuk menentukan kalimat pasif, terlebih dahulu ubah posisi Subject di kalimat aktif menjadi Agent di kalimat pasif, dan ubah posisi Object di kalimat aktif menjadi Subject di kalimat pasif.

Subject kalimat aktif: the student. Subject kalimat pasif: the book.

Object kalimat aktif: the book.       Agent kalimat pasif: the student

Lalu, lihat kembali kalimatnya. Perhatikan tense yang digunakan. Karena kata kerja yang digunakan adalah 'reads' yang merupakan kata kerja bentuk -s/-es (Verb -s/-es), itu berarti kalimat aktif ini menggunakan aturan kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Untuk mengubahnya menjadi kalimat pasif, perhatikan rumus kalimat pasif dari Simple Present Tense berikut ini.

Subject + is/am/are + Verb 3 + by + Agent

Lihat kembali subject kalimat pasif, yaitu: the book. Karena 'book' hanya berjumlah satu, maka digunakanlah to be "is".

Kata kerja bentuk ketiga (Verb 3) dari read adalah read (tidak terjadi perubahan).

Isikan rumus tersebut dengan data yang telah diketahui di atas, itulah jawabannya.

[ The book(Subject) is(To be) read(Verb 3) by the student(Agent) ]

10. my book is green but.......(your,yours) is blue

my book is green but yours is bluemy book is green but yours is blue

11. teacher:is this your english book? student no,it isn't is nina's english book it is...english book​

it is nina's english book

semoga membantu!

It's her english book

#semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah:)

12. the student have a new book.that book is...........

that book is nootbook/storybook
maaf jika saya salahthat book is nootbook/storybook
maaf kalau salah

13. The book is yellow..... so not blue

this book

maaf klo salahthe book is yellow. it is so not blue(kayanya dr percakapannya ada yang bilang kalo bukunya itu warna biru, jadi dia nyoba untuk deny)

14. my book is green blue​


buku saya berwarna hijau tapi .... berwarna biru

15. blue-the colour-the book-is-of (susunlah)

the colour of the book is blueThe colour of the book is blue.
Warna buku ialah biru


16. Apa arti dari does student read the book

apakah murid tersebut membaca buku


apakah murid itu membaca buku


17. 1. Teacher : .... Student : yes,ma'am 2. Teacher : attentiin, please Student : ..... 3. Student : .... Student : l think it,s beautiful 4. Student : do you think it,s good Student : ..... 5. Teacher : do you understand Student : ...... 6. Teacher : is it clear Student : ....... 7. Student : it,s so beautiful Student : ....... 8. Student : ...... Student : thanks


1.Guru: ....

Mahasiswa: iya bu

2.Guru: mohon perhatiannya


3.Siswa : ....

Mahasiswa: Menurut saya, itu indah

4.Student: menurut anda bagus


5.Guru: apakah kamu mengerti


6.Guru: sudah jelas


7.Mahasiswa: sangat indah


8.Siswa : ......

Mahasiswa: terima kasih



18. this book is thick ......... cover is blue

Jawaban : "The" atau bisa juga "Its".
Smoga membantu^^This book is thick THE cover is blue

19. EX: A. The book is blue colorIs the book blue color? Yes the booK is blue color. No, the book is not blue color but black color. B. The blue book is on the tableIs the blue book on the table. Yes. The blue book is on the table. No the blue book is not on the table but on the bag. (A.) Menanyakan warna dan yg (B.) Menanyakan barang. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut. 1. is the pen black color ? Yes2. Is the black pen on the bag ? Yes3. Is the red glass in silver spoon ? No4. Is the table in the class? No. 5. Is the bag green color? Notolong ya ka\{^-^}/​

booK itu warna biru.

Tidak, buku itu bukan berwarna biru melainkan warna hitam.

B. Buku biru ada di atas meja

Apakah buku biru di atas meja.

Iya. Buku biru ada di atas meja.

Tidak, buku biru tidak ada di atas meja tapi di tas.

(SEBUAH.) menanyakan warna dan yg (B.) Menanyakan barang.

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut.

1. apakah pena berwarna hitam? Iya

2. Apakah pena hitam ada di tas? Iya

3. Apakah gelas merah dalam sendok perak? Tidak

4. Apakah tabel ada di kelas? Tidak.

5. Apakah tas berwarna hijau? Tidak

20. Teacher :"Please open your book!" Student :".............................................."

yes, ms!

smg membantuokk miss, well done!!

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