Hojas Simples Y Compuestas

Hojas Simples Y Compuestas

apa kesimpulan dari simples past tense?

Daftar Isi

1. apa kesimpulan dari simples past tense?


Simple Past Tense adalah suatu kalimat yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris yang tepatnya digunakan untuk kalimat yang sudah terjadi atau masa lampau. Untuk mengetahui pengertian Simple Past tense, sehingga mudah untuk di gunakan dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris.


itu jawaban saya

2. simples form of 3/18/36​


semoga bermanfaat ya maaf kalo salah

3. write the examples of simples futre

Contoh yang Will:
- I will go to your house.
- I will eat this food tonight.

Contoh yang Shall:
- We shall buy this item.
- I shall go to the conference next year.

Semoga membantu.

4. Temukan kalimat simples Dan kompleks pada teks cerita banjir

teks nya mana? buat contoh nya coba

5. Do the following fases individuallySamantha Smith is liceland-son American model and singer. How she is a student of a statehigh school in Manhattan Samanta is the fire daughter of Robert Smith and Mits. LiseSmith Samantha became a fanok singer and model after she won the competition of TetrtopMagazine's "Teerage Top Model and Loveliy TV's "Sing the Beast Song" in 2012Sarata is fair-skimmed Site is tall and sender. She is 17 years old Samantha has a long.black hair atapnose, and big darkness her factor and her smile simples her sheets.Samantha is an arawe and beautifull gril. Stella dressing casualig. Her favourite outfitis a creciezd flanel jace jeans, and a Estat. Site wants to as teelelaxed. Samanta is aSamantha is cheerful and friendly. Everybody liester because she is humorous, kind, humbleand creative. She gets omwell with people and she never for her opinions on other. However,sometimes Samantha is short-tempered when she loses her 22.30mal things, especially the onesSamantha Pas a beautial voice. She sings and models well and she enjoys dong those activitiesvery much. However the has omer hobbies. They are cooking and baking, travelling, takingphotos, and paintingQuestions1. What is the text about4. How is her personality2 Who is she?5. What does she like to op?3. How is her physical appearance?Tolong diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia.​


Lakukan langkah berikut satu per satu

Samantha Smith adalah model dan penyanyi Amerika keturunan liceland-son. Bagaimana dia adalah seorang mahasiswa suatu negara

SMA di Manhattan Samanta adalah putri api Robert Smith dan Mits. Lise

Smith Samantha menjadi penyanyi dan model fanok setelah dia memenangkan kompetisi Tetrtop

"Model Top Teerage dan TV Loveliy" Sing the Beast Song "dari Majalah pada tahun 2012

Sarata adalah situs yang skimnya tinggi dan pengirimnya. Dia berusia 17 tahun Samantha memiliki panjang.

rambut hitam atapnose, dan kegelapan pekat faktornya dan senyumnya menyelimuti seprai.

Samantha adalah gril arawe dan beautifull. Stella berpakaian casualig. Pakaian favoritnya

adalah jeans flanel jace creciezd, dan Estat. Situs ingin sebagai teelaxed. Samanta adalah seorang

Samantha ceria dan ramah. Semua orang marah karena dia humoris, baik hati, rendah hati

dan kreatif. Dia senang bergaul dengan orang-orang dan dia tidak pernah karena pendapatnya tentang orang lain. Namun,

kadang-kadang Samantha mudah marah ketika dia kehilangan 22.30 hal-hal yang paling buruk, terutama yang

Samantha Pas suara yang indah. Dia bernyanyi dan menjadi model dengan baik dan dia menikmati dong kegiatan itu

sangat banyak. Namun dia memiliki hobi omer. Mereka memasak dan memanggang, bepergian, mengambil

foto, dan lukisan


1. Teks tentang apa

4. Bagaimana kepribadiannya

2 Siapa dia?

5. Apa yang dia suka untuk op?

3. Bagaimana penampilan fisiknya?


semoga anda bisa membantu ya

6. 1. Huiling bought 18 chicken nugget she ate 6 of them What the fraction of the chicken nuggets did she eat? Give your answer in its simples form. jawaban 1 1. 1/4 x 28 = 7/8 balloons 2. 1/4 x 28 = 14 balloons 3. 1/4 x 28 = 7 balloons 4. 3/4 x 28 = 21 balloons



jawaban 1

3.1/4 x 28 = 7 balloons

7. Which one is not the characteristic of form?A: Less to writeB: Simples taskC:UniformityD:Unclear instruction about information​




Maaf kalau salah, Semoga membantu

8. 1)apa yang di maksud dengan teks laporan hasil observsi? 2)tulis dan jelaskan struktur teks laporan hasil observasi? 3)jelaskan langkah langkah yang harus di perhatikan dalam membuat teks laporan hasil observasi? 4)apa yang di maksud dengan kalimat simples dan kalimat kompleks? 5)tuliskan struktur teks eksposisi? 6)dalam teks eksposisi terdapat fakta dan opinijelaskan dan berikan contoh masing masing tiga kalimat?​


1.) Teks laporan hasil observasi (report) berisi penjabaran umum mengenai sesuatu yang didasarkan pada hasil kegiatan observasi.

2.)*definisi/ pertanyaan umum merupakan pembukaan yang berisi pengertian mengenai sesuatu yang dibahas di dalam teks.

*deskripsi bagian merupakan bagian yang berisi ide pokok dari setiap paragraf (penjelasan terperinci).

*deskripsi manfaat merupakan bagian yang menjelaskan manfaat dari sesuatu yang dilaporkan.

*penutup /simpulan merupakan bagian terperinci akhir teks laporan hasil observasi.

3.)a. Menentukan topik masalah yang akan diamati atau diteliti.

b. Merencanakan cara menyelesaikan masalah.

c. Melakukan pengamatan sesuai dengan masalah yang ditentukan.

d. Meneliti ulang hasil pengamatan.

4.) kalimat simplek adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri atas satu struktur dengan satu verba utama

Kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas lebih dari satu aksi, peristiwa, atau keadaan sehingga mempunyai lebih dari satu verba utama dalam lebih satu struktur.

5.) *tesis


*penegasan ulang


9. Questions 22-32 Although a few protozoans are multicellular, the simplest are unicellular organisms, such as amoebas, bacteria, sarcodina, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans, which can be amorphous in shape and smaller than .001 inch. Cytoplasm fills the cell membrane that en Line closes it and functions as a barrier between cells. The membrane serves as the outer tissue, (5) and any compound that may destroy the cell has to penetrate it to reach the cytoplasm, Some types of organisms are termed colonial because they represent loosely assembled groups of structurally similar and unfunctional cells. Colonial organisms maintain a symbiotic relationship within their particular environments. Unlike colonial organisms, almost all species of animals and plants are multicellular and (10) include various types of specialized or somatic cells, each with us own nucleus, genetic code, and RNA. The overall size of a multicellular body is contingent on the total number of cells that comprise it, not the size of individual cells. TI1e simples! multicellular animals are hy dras, sponges, and jellyfish, which have well-defined tissues, a cellular nucleus, and an ele ment of cell functions. Sponges have a few specialized cells but largely resemble colonial or- (15) ganisms that can readily form a new individual group. If the cells of a sponge are separated, they rejoin and continue as a newly formed colonial organism. 22. How many cells do me simplest organisms contain? (A)One (B) One hundred (C) Many (D)An unknown number 26. In line 6, the word "loosely" is closest in meaning 10 (A) lively (B) naturally (C) freely (D)feebly 23. In line 4, the phrase "outer tissue" is closest in meaning to (A) outside force (B) outlying area (C) shell (D)cell 27. In line 8, the word "symbiotic" is closest in meaning to (A) mutually dependent (B) mutually exclusive (C) mutually hostile (D) mutually resistant 24. In line 5, the word "it" refers to (A) the cell (B) anycompound (C) the membrane (D) the cytoplasm 25. It can be inferred for the passage that a cell serves as (A) a partition of organism functions (B) thesmallest colonial group (C) the smallest genetic unit 28. The author of the passage implies that large animals and plants have (A) larger cell sizes than amoebas and protozoans (B) larger quantities of protoplasm than smaller life-forms (C) stronger cellular membranes than flagellates (D) a greater number of cells than smaller life-forms (D)aflagellate reproductive 29. In line 10, the word "each" refers 10 (A) animals (B) species (C) cells (D)plants 30. According 10 the passage, sponges and jellyfish are (A) the simplest one-cell organisms (B) the simplest multicellular animals (C) tissues and cellular nuclei (D)cellular and colonial organisms 31. The author mentions all of the following EXCEPT: (A) procreative mechanisms (B) colonial organisms (C) cell contents (D)specialized cells 32. This passage would most likely he found in a textbook on which of the following subjects> (A) Genetics (B) Anatomy (C) Biology (D) Biochemist!'

22. c
23. d
24. d
25. a
26. c
27. a
28. b
29. c
30. c
31. a
32. c

semoga membantu dan jadikan sebagai yang terbaik yaaaa
27. A
26. C
32. A
29. C
24. C

10. Nessa versão, Mãe Catirina e Pal Francisco são um casal de negros trabalhadores de uma fazenda. Quando Mae Catirina fica grávida, ela tem desejo de comer a lingua de um boi. Empenhado em satisfazer a vontade de Catirina, Chico mata um dos bois do rebanho, que, no entanto, era um dos preferidos do fazendeiro. Ao notar a falta do boi, o fazendeiro pede para que todos os empregados saiam em busca dele. Eles encontram o boi quase morto, mas com a ajuda de um curandeiro ele se recupera. Noutras versões, o boi já está morto e com o auxílio de um pajé, ele ressuscita. A lenda, dessa maneira, está associada ao conceito de milagre do catolicismo ao trazer de volta o animal. Ao mesmo tempo, mostra a presença de elementos indígenas e africanos, tal como a cura pelo pajé ou curandeiro e a ressurreição. A festa do Bumba meu boi é celebrada para comemorar esse milagre. A testa em celebração ao Bumba meu boi inclui danças, músicas, destiles e representação teatral. Assim, as cores se misturam em um ambiente festivo, alegórico e popular A musica envolve diversos instrumentos como o violão, o cavaquinho, o pandeiro, o chocalho, o triângulo, a zabumba, a matraca, etc. O ritmo predominante é chamado de toada, um estilo de cantiga simples e regional, formada por estrofes e rimas. Na apresentação teatral o boi e o personagem principal, mas também estão presentes o fazendeiro, o vaqueiro e sua mulher. Essa encenação lúdica é caracterizada pela união do humor, da sátira, do drama e da tragédia. Enquanto a história do boi é declamada por um narrador, os personagens dançam. O enredo gira em torno da morte a ressurreição do boi, e tem como destaque a fragilidade humana, em detrimento da força bruta do animal. Note que na historia, os nomes dos personagens e suas respectivas vestimentas podem apresentar algumas variações consoante as diferentes regiões do Brasil, O primeiro registro do Bumba meu boi no Brasil aconteceu em Pernambuco. No entanto, o estado onde essa manifestação cultural é mais popular é o Maranhão. Em cada Estado do país, o Bumba Meu Boi é conhecido por nome diferenciado, mas tem of mesmo significado. Em Pernambuco é chamado Boi Calemba ou Bumbá; no Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte. Alagoas e Piaul é Bumba Meu Boi; no Ceará é Boi de Reis, Boi Surubim e Boi Zumbi, na Bahia é Boi Janeiro, Boi Estrela do Mar e Mulinha de Ouro; em Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro e Bumba ou Folguedo-Do-Boi; no Espirito Santo é Boi-De-Reis; Em São Paulo e Boi de Jacă e Dança do Boi; no Pará, Rondônia e Amazonas é Boi Bumbá; no Paraná e Santa Catarina é Boi Mourão ou Boi de Mamão; e no Rio Grande do Sul é Bumba, Boizinho ou Boi Mamão. ATIVIDADE 1- Qual o personagem principal dessa dança dramática? 2- Em que cidade do Amazonas existe forte tradição da encenação desta dança dramática? 3- Os instrumentos mais usados na dança do Bumba meu Boi,são:

A lenda do Bumba Meu Boi é uma tradição popular brasileira que tem origem nas fazendas do nordeste do país, especificamente em Pernambuco. Ela conta a história de um casal de negros trabalhadores, Mae Catirina e Chico Francisco, e sua relação com um boi preferido do fazendeiro. Quando Mae Catirina fica grávida, ela tem desejo de comer a língua do boi. Chico mata um dos bois para satisfazer a vontade de Catirina, mas ao ser notado a falta do boi, os empregados saem em busca dele e encontram o boi quase morto. Em algumas versões, o boi é ressuscitado pelo pajé ou curandeiro. Essa história é associada ao conceito de milagre do catolicismo e a presença de elementos indígenas e africanos. A festa do Bumba Meu Boi é celebrada para comemorar esse milagre e inclui danças, músicas, destiles e representação teatral. Cada Estado do país tem sua própria forma de celebrar essa manifestação cultural, mas todos tem o mesmo significado.

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