Respuestas Complemento Matematico 1 Secundaria Contestado

Respuestas Complemento Matematico 1 Secundaria Contestado

Choose a statement that is true according to the lesson .... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 Compliment is different from complement. 2 Compliment is similar to complement 3 Compliment is the same as complement 4 Compliment and complement are alike 5 The meaning of compliment and complement are equal.

Daftar Isi

1. Choose a statement that is true according to the lesson .... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 Compliment is different from complement. 2 Compliment is similar to complement 3 Compliment is the same as complement 4 Compliment and complement are alike 5 The meaning of compliment and complement are equal.

1. Compliment itu pujian sdgkan complement itu pelengkapCompliment is the same with complement

2. A1.Riza is working really hard.Ami compliments Riza.Riza responds to the complument happily.A2.Firda is showing a very nice drawing.Fadhil compliments Firda.Firda responds to the compliment.

Riza : "I've been working hard lately".
Ami : "You are a really hard worker, that's nice".
Riza : "Thank you for your compliment Ami".
Firda : "Fadhil, what do you think of my drawing?".
Fadhil : "Woah, that's a really nice drawing Firda".
Firda : "Really? Thank you for your compliment Fadhil".

Hope it helps:)

3. bantu aku membuat percakapan dongs :)) 1.B is working really hard. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment happily 2. B is showing a very nice drawing. A compliments B. B responds to the compliments 3. A is wearing a new pair of shoes. B compliments A. A responds to the compliments 4. A looks beautiful in her new skirt. B complements A.A responds to the compliment

A: wow, you're so diligent
B: eh there you are, thanks for being so embarrassed ya, this is my drawing, look
A: amazing! Nice picture of you
B: I think it's okay
A: I have something new ya,
B: wow, it's great your shoes
A: no, it's just normal
B: by the way you're fit to wear that skirt
A: This ah I have not used

4. A1. B is working really hard. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment happily A2. B showing a very nice drawing. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment.

A1. si B bekerja sangat keras, si A memuji si B. si B merespon pujiannya dengan senang.
A2. si B menunjukkan gambarnya yang sangat bagus. si A memuji si B. si B merespon pujiannya.A1. si B bekerja sangat keras
si A memberi pujian kepada si B
si B merspon ke pujian si A dengan bahagia

A2. si B menunjukan gambar yang sangat bgus
si A memberikan pujian kepada si B
si B merespon ke pujian si A

5. Give some examples of giving complementa. Compliment for appearance things wornb. Compliment for performancec. Compliment for achievement​


Berikan beberapa contoh pemberian pelengkap

Sebuah. Pujian untuk penampilan yang dikenakan

b. Pujian atas kinerja

c. Pujian atas prestasi

6. 1.B is working really hard. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment happily

A: "B! You're working so hard! What a good job!"
B: "Thank you so much! You too!"

7. bantu aku membuat percakapan dongs :)) 1.B is working really hard. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment happily 2. B is showing a very nice drawing. A compliments B. B responds to the compliments 3. A is wearing a new pair of shoes. B compliments A. A responds to the compliments 4. A looks beautiful in her new skirt. B complements A.A responds to the compliment

1. A: "Hi there"
B: "Hi"
A: "What are you doing?"
B: "(sigh of relief) working hard on this (shows the result)"
A: "Looks amazing"
B: "Thanks"
2. A: "Wow, that is an amazing drawing my friend"
B: "Thank you"
3. B: "Are those your new shoes?"
A: "Yeah"
B: "They look great on you"
A: "Thanks"
4. B: "Wow, you're looking good in that dress tonight"
A: "Oh thank you so much"*b working hard at his homework*
a:Wow,you are a very hard working man
b:Thank you very much.I am very appreciate it
*b feels very happy
2.b:Look,I drew this drawing an hour ago.
a:Wow,Look at the colours,you could blend it so smoothly and the drawing of the houses are so beautiful
b:Thanks.I always want to be a painter since I was a child
3.a:Look!I just bought theese new pair of shoes yesterday.What do you think?
b:First off are theese made out off diamonds because it looks so gorgeous and the more I look at it the more brighter it shines
a:Hahaha,thankyou.Its not made out of diamonds but thees are my new favourite pair of shoes
3.a:Hey,I have a party tonight.So I thought I could ask you what do you think about the skirt I am wearing
b:You looks so perfect with that skirt .It matches your cute shirt and jacket!!!!
a:Hurray!Thank you so much.

8. membuat percakapan dari : A1.RIZA is working really hard. ami compliments riza.riza responds to the compliment happilyA2.Firda is showing a very nice drawing.fadhil responds to the complimentB1.wayan is wearing a new pair of shoes.angelina compliments wayan. wayan responds to the complimentB2.zainab looks beautiful in her new skirt. raymond compliments siti.siti responds to the compliments

Complimenting expressions adalah ungkapan memuji seseorang atas prestasi yang dilakukan.

A1. Riza is working really hard. Ami compliments Riza. Riza responds to the compliment happily.

Riza: You really work hard. Good job, Riza!

Ami: Thanks a lot

A2. Firda is showing a very nice drawing. Fadhil responds to the compliment.

Firda: What a beautiful drawing it is!

Fadhil: Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.

B1. Wayan is wearing a new pair of shoes. Angelina compliments Wayan. wayan responds to the compliment.

Wayan: I really like your new shoes.

Angelina: Thanks for your saying

B2. Zainab looks beautiful in her new skirt. Raymond compliments siti. siti responds to the compliments.

Zainab: You look beautiful wearing that skirt.

Raymond: Really? Thanks


Kalian bisa mengucapkan complimenting expreesionsdengan mengatakan:

I like your new shoesThat is a beautiful ringWhat a great performancePerfect!Pretty good!Good grades!Excellent!Nice work!


Good job!I'm glad you like it.Thank you.Thank you so much.Yeah, thanksReally?I willThanks a lot

A1. Riza is working really hard. Ami compliments Riza. Riza responds to the compliment happily.

A1. Riza sedang bekerja sangat keras. Ami memuji Riza. Riza merespon pujian dengan bahagia.

Riza: You really work hard. Good job, Riza!

Kamu benar-benar kerja keras. Kerja bagus!

Ami: Thanks a lot.

Terima kasih banyak.

A2. Firda is showing a very nice drawing. Fadhil responds to the compliment.

Firda sedang menunjukkan gambar sangat bagus. Fadhil merespon pujian itu

Firda: What a beautiful drawing it is!

Betapa bagusnya gambar ini

Fadhil: Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.

B1. Wayan is wearing a new pair of shoes. Angelina compliments Wayan. Wayan responds to the compliment.

Wayan sedang mengenakan sepasang sepatu baru. Angelina memuji Wayan. Wayan merespon pujiannya

Wayan: I really like your new shoes.

Saya benar-benar suka sepatu barumu

Angelina: Thanks for your saying

Terima kasih atas ucapannya

B2. Zainab looks beautiful in her new skirt. Raymond compliments siti. siti responds to the compliments.

Zainab terlihat cantik di rok barunya. Raymond memuji Siti. Siti merespon pujiannya

Zainab: You look beautiful wearing that skirt.

Kamu terlihat cantik mengenakan rok itu

Raymond: Really? Thanks

Benarkah? Terima kasih

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Kalimat complimenting expressions jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Complimenting expressions

Kode: 8.5.3

Kata Kunci: Giving compliments, Dialog about complimenting dialogs

9. (2/5p²q)² procedimiento y respuesta


4/25 p⁴q²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


= 2²/5²p⁴q²

= 4/25p⁴q²

10. A1. Riza is working really hard. Amicompliments Riza. Riza respondsto the compliment happily.A2. Firda is showing a very nicedrawing. Fadhil complimentsFirda. Firda responds to thecompliment.B1. Wayan is wearing a new pair ofshoes. Angelina complimentsWayan. Wayan responds to thecompliment.B2. Zainab looks beautiful in her newskirt. Raymond compliments herSiti responds to the compliment.​

A1. Riza is working really hard. Ami  compliments Riza. Riza responds  to the compliment happily.

Ami: Riza, you look tired. You can take a rest, first

Riza: I can't. I still have to practice the choreography for the dance competition next week.

Ami: I know you really work hard. Good job, Riza!

Riza: Thanks for your saying

A2. Firda is showing a very nice  drawing. Fadhil compliments  Firda. Firda responds to the  compliment.

Firdha: Take a look! I have drawn this. What do you think?

Fadhil: It's a beautiful drawing. You're very talented!

Firdha: Thanks a lot!

B1. Wayan is wearing a new pair of  shoes. Angelina compliments  Wayan. Wayan responds to the  compliment.

Angelina: Wayan, I really like your shoes. Is that new?

Wayan: Thank you. My dad gave it to me on my birthday yesterday.

Angelina: I see. That's lovely

B2. Zainab looks beautiful in her new  skirt. Raymond compliments her  Siti responds to the compliment.​

Raymond: You look beautiful wearing that skirt!

Zainab: Really? Thank you so much

Raymond: Yes, you're welcome


A1. Riza is working really hard. Ami  compliments Riza. Riza responds  to the compliment happily.

Riza sedang bekerja keras. Ami memujinya. Riza merespon pujian itu dengan bahagia.

Ami: Riza, you look tired. You can take a rest, first.

Riza, kamu terlihat lelah. Kamu bisa istirahat dulu

Riza: I can't. I still have to practice the choreography for the dance competition next week.

Tidak bisa. AKu masih harus berlatih koreografi untuk kompetisi menari minggu depan

Ami: I know you really work hard. Good job, Riza!

AKu tahu kamu bekerja keras! Kerja bagus Riza!

Riza: Thanks for your saying. It means a lot.

Terima kasih sudah mengatakanya. Ini berarti banyak untukku

A2. Firda is showing a very nice  drawing. Fadhil compliments  Firda. Firda responds to the  compliment.

Firda menunjukkan gambar yang sangat bagus. Fadhil memuji Firda. Firda merespon pujian itu

Firdha: Take a look! I have drawn this. What do you think?

LIhat! Aku tlah menggambar ini. Bagaimana menurutmu?

Fadhil: It's a beautiful drawing. You're very talented!

Ini gambar yang cantik. Kamu sanagat berbakat

Firdha: Thanks a lot!

Terima kasih banyak

B1. Wayan is wearing a new pair of  shoes. Angelina compliments  Wayan. Wayan responds to the  compliment.

Wayan mengenakan sepatu baru. Angelina memujinya. Wayan merespon pujian itu

Angelina: Wayan, I really like your shoes. Is that new?

Wayan, aku suka sepatumu. Apakah itu baru?

Wayan: Thank you. My dad gave it to me on my birthday yesterday.

Terima kasih. Ayahku memberikannya padaku di ulang tahunku kemarin

Angelina: I see. That's lovely

Begitu. Itu menyenangkan

B2. Zainab looks beautiful in her new  skirt. Raymond compliments her  Siti responds to the compliment.​

Zainab terlihat cantik dengan rok baru. Raymond memujinya. Dia merespon pujian itu

Raymond: You look beautiful wearing that skirt!

Kamu terlihat cantik memakai rok itu

Zainab: Really? Thank you so much

Benarkah? Terima kasih banyak

Raymond: Yes, you're welcome

Ya sama-sama

Kalimat yang bercetak tebal pada dialog diatas adalah ungkapan memuji dan responnya

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Dialog compliments juga dapat ditemukan disini: Detil jawaban

Kelas:  8

Mapel:  Bahasa Inggris

Bab:  Complimenting expressions

Kode:  8.5.3

Kata Kunci: Giving compliments, Dialog

11. B1. A is wearing a new pair of shoes. B compliments A. A responds to the complement. B2. A looks beautiful in her new skirt. B compliments A. A responds to the compliment.

conversation 1

A: Hi, B. How are you?
B: I'm good. Better than yesterday.
A: Me too.
B: By the way, A, what a beautiful shoes you are wearing.
A:Oh, really? Thank you, B.
B: Where did you buy it?
A: I don't know. It's a birthday present. My mom gave me the shoes last week.
B: Oh, I see. Well, I think I have to go right now. I'll see you later.
A: See you!

conversation 2

B: Hey, A!
A: Hey, B!
B: Wow! You look so beautiful in your skirt.
A: Thank you, B.
B: Is that new? Where did you buy it?
A: I bought it at the mall.
B: Would you like to accompany me to buy it?
A: Yes, I would like to! Let's go!
B: Okay!

maaf klo kurang....

12. 1) B is working really hard (A compliments B) . B responds to the compliments happily 2) B is showing a very nice drawing (A compliments B ).. B responds to the compliments 3) A is wrearing a new pair shoes. (B compliment A). A responds to the compliments 4) A look beautiful in her nnew skirt. (B compliment A).A responds to the compliments

1) A: What a hard worker you are! B: Thank you
2) A: What a very nice drawing! I like that! B: It was nothing really
3) B: Your shoes are so chic! I love that! B: Thank you
4) B: You look so beautiful with that skirt! B: I'm glad you like it

13. Apa yang dimaksud dengan prinsip sekondaria dalam asas-asas hukum?

waktu hukum yang berjalan pd manusia

14. jika x={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} merupakan himpunan semesta A={2,4,6} dan B={1,3,7},maka complement A gabung complemen B adalah

={1,2,3,4,6,7} itu tinggal digabung aja karena yang ditanya A gabung Bjika complement A dan B digabungkan menjadi=
A + B={1,2,3,4,6,7}

15. apa definisi complement dalam bahasa inggris? dan 10 sentences that expressions compliment. Tolong jawab ya

definisi: complement is an expression to appreciate or praise other people. it useful to make someone keep on doing their best, or to improve.

1. you shoes so awesome!
2. i like your dress is so beautiful
3. i like your new car, its so cool.
4. i hear that you get highest score, that terrific!
5. i hope you success in your test
6. your room so cool, can you teach me how to manage it
7. i like your smile
8. this cookies taste so delicious!
9. Youre beautiful
10. youre so kind

16. A1. B is working really hard. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment happily A2. B showing a very nice drawing. A compliments B. B responds to the compliment.

A : "you're really working very hard! I bet you're not a lazy person! I really appreciate it!"
B : "hehe, thanks!. Here's this is my own drawing, for you!"
A : "what a nice drawing! I love it!"
B : "thank you!"A1 :
A : you amazed me, B.  Your hard work will be noticed and you will be recognized
B : really ?
A : yeah, you is the best B
B : thanks, A

A2 :
B : A, look at my drawing. it is the result of my hard work
A : wow, very nice. i like it
B : really ?
A : yes, your drawing is really can make me amazed
B : ah, you're overdo. but thanks

17. (-2x²y⁴z)³ procedimiento y respuesta

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


maaf kalo salah:))

18. Tania ___ Rani a compliment when Dhe said that she was the best contestant​



maaf kalau salah semoga membantu

19. Tania ... rani a compliment when she said that she was the best contestant


ini bhs english bukan.........


tania ....rani complit kan saat kontes sains

20. 1) B is working really hard (A compliments B) . B responds to the compliments happily 2) B is showing a very nice drawing (A compliments B ).. B responds to the compliments 3) A is wrearing a new pair shoes. (B compliment A). A responds to the compliments 4) A look beautiful in her nnew skirt. (B compliment A).A responds to the compliments

1.B bekerja sangat giat (A memuji B). B merespon pujian dengan senang 
2.B menampilkan gambar yang bagus (A memuji B). B merespon pujiannya
3.A memakai sepasang sepatu baru (B memuji A). A merespon pujiannya
4.A tampil sangat cantik dengan rok barunya. (B memuji A). A merespon pujiannya

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